About us

This is Maya and Elie, and we're behind Kebbe Bleiben!
We currently live in Germany. Like for many others Lebanese people, Elie moved there to continue his studies in Engineering (and do a PhD), and Maya stayed in Lebanon. After many years, we got married, and Maya finally moved to Germany as well.

The idea behind Kebbe Bleiben was very simple: we like puns. We're learning German. And sometimes, German sounds weird.
But, we can't really share those funny thoughts with anyone else than a Lebanese person, because, let's face it: it's not funny if you have to explain what a kebbe is. The best people to understand: Lebanese and arabic speaking people living in Germany! (or at least, learning German).

In a second step, we wanted our designs to look good. Maya is a professional illustrator, with over 10 years of experience. With her skills, it is also a point of pride to create something beautiful as well. The illustrations should illustrate the puns well, and also look great. This is why, even if someone does not speak Arabic, Lebanese or German and does not get the joke, they can still enjoy our beautiful designs.

And this is how we ended up with Kebbe Bleiben: t-shirts and home products mainly aimed at lebanese speaking people who also speak German, but also which anyone, even non-lebanese speakers, could enjoy wearing, gifting, sharing or having.